Minor League Baseball Alumni Association

Surfing the Minor League Baseball web site, I came across a site for the Minor League Baseball Alumni Association. If you click on that link, you’ll know as much about them as I do.

If you’re a former minor league player, you can sign up for a $25 annual membership fee. If you’re a current player or have another connection to the game, e.g. a current or former coach, umpire, front office staff, etc. you can sign up for an affiliate membership which is $35 per year.

The Association was founded in 2001 and seems to have an historical bent. To quote from the brochure: "Preserve History. Celebrate the Game. Share the Dream."

I know a lot of players and front office staff come through this site, so feel free to Click Here and check it out for yourself. I’m going to sign up for an affiliate membership and see what I can do to help; if you’ve read this site, you know I’m doing a lot of research into the history of the Angels minor leagues, so this would seem to be a good cause to support.

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